


Our Addi coffee blend has a smooth, well-rounded taste with milk chocolate, caramel and marzipan notes tailored for a sweet finish.

Hola! This high-quality Perth-roasted speciality coffee roasted blend is derived from exotic coffee beans all grown in fertile, volcanic ash terrain at high altitudes across Latin America. Coffee beans grown in the Risaralda soils from a group of farms in the Andes mountains of Colombia bring to the palette those warm caramel and milk chocolate flavours.

The spicy, marzipan flavours are derived from cherry, orange rind and honey-flavoured coffee beans grown in Guatemala on the banks of a crater lake formed by a volcanic eruption some 20,000 years ago. The marzipan flavour is strengthened by a boost of cherry, spice and roasted almond grown in the Sierra Madre mountain range in Mexico.

Addi is your perfect caramel flavoured, spice-scented speciality coffee bean blend with a unique Latin American profile roasted with a hint of the lush Swan Valley here in Perth, Western Australia. Bring it home!

Bean Origin
Colombia Belen De Umbria Washed
Guatemala Finca Los Nacimientos Washed  
Mexico Sierra Madre Mote Azul Washed
Espresso Notes: Sweet, well rounded, milk chocolate caramel, marzipan


Weight: 500g, 1kg

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